Public to discuss future of People's Park
Jersey's Health Minister will be quizzed at a public meeting tonight about his decision to shortlist People's Park as one of the potential sites for the new hospital to be built.
Senator Andrew Green hasn't revealed his final decision for the location of the new hospital yet but he is expected to explain why he believes the Park is such a 'strong contender'.
St Helier Constable, Simon Crowcroft will address the crowd explaining why he believes the popular green space should be preserved.
The gathering is being organised by campaign group, Save People's Park, which has more than two thousand members on social media.
Campaigners say tonight's meeting is for islanders who are against building a new hospital on the popular green space. A number of States members and other political groups are expected to attend.
There are five site options for the future hospital to be built; the current site in St Helier, Overdale, the Waterfront, People's Park or a dual site including the current location and Overdale.
The meeting will be held at the Town Hall in St Helier from 7.30pm tonight. You can find out more about the campaign online by clicking on this link or you can follow the group on Twitter @savepeoplespark
Here's the full meeting schedule...
7.30pm - Introduction from Moderator, Gary Burgess
7.35pm - Presentation on Hospital Proposals , Health Minister - Senator Andrew Green (15 mins)
7.50pm - Chief Minister - Senator Ian Gorst (5 mins)
7.55pm - Christian May, Chairman - Save People's Park & WOTCA (5 mins)
8.00pm - Connetable Simon Crowcroft (5 mins)
8.05pm - Ben Shenton, former Health Minister (5 mins)
8.10pm - Deputy Sam Mezec (5 mins)
8.15pm - Open Public Q&A
9.20pm - Last Question
9.30pm - Close of Meeting