No legal action over Fox News for 'totally Muslim' Birmingham comments
Birmingham City Council has ruled out joining possible legal action to sue Fox News over claims Birmingham is a "totally Muslim city."
Birmingham City Council has ruled out joining possible legal action to sue Fox News over claims Birmingham is a "totally Muslim city."
Birmingham City Council has responded to comments made about the city by a 'terrorism expert' on Fox News.
“These curious comments clearly have no foundation, and it’s good to see an apology has been issued.
“Birmingham’s an incredible place, rightly held up as an example of how communities can and do live and thrive together.
“We are amazingly diverse, and that’s one of the things that makes us brilliant. All this fuss is a reminder of how it’s always best to check your facts before getting into a debate.
“Maybe Fox News could come and visit sometime, and see for themselves what a great city we have here?”
Birmingham City Council has ruled out joining possible legal action to sue Fox News over claims Birmingham is a "totally Muslim city."
A fact file on Fox News commentator Steven Emerson, who said that Birmingham was "a totally Muslim city where non-Muslims simply don't go"
A Fox News commentator has apologised after claiming that Birmingham is "a totally Muslim city where non-Muslims simply don't go in".