
Pork not found in halal burger

The makers of halal lamb burgers, that were withdrawn from schools in Leicester after a sample was said to contain pork, have said tests found no trace of pork.

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19 of 24 schools that use halal affected

Leicester City Council say the only product they sourced from Doncaster-based Paragon Quality Foods was halal lamb burgers that were found to contain pork.

19 of the 24 schools in the city that use halal meat are affected.

"We understand that since March 1st this year, the product supplier, Paragon Quality Foods Limited, has only been releasing product to customers after obtaining negative DNA results for pork.

However, as a precautionary measure we have removed all of the burgers we had in stock from this supplier whilst further investigation is carried out, and we will not be purchasing any further products from this supplier.We have made it clear to our suppliers that this is totally unacceptable, and we are taking urgent legal advice about the next steps.”

– Trevor Pringle, Leicester City Council

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