Advertisement Falklands War: 30 Years On Thirty years ago Argentina sparked war when it invaded the Falkland Islands, which Britain had ruled for 150 years. Share Tweet Reddit
2 April 2012 at 12:02pm Former bomb disposal officer remembers Falklands bomb blast Former bomb disposal officer John Phillips from Coventry lost his left arm when an unexploded bomb blew up on HMS Antelope. The blast killed his friend Jim. Last updated Fri 18 Jul 2014 Read more 8 updates Falklands War: 30 Years On UK Coventry Falkland Islands Falklands War Share Tweet Reddit
Royal Artillery veteran looks back at the Falklands War Royal Artillery veteran Nigel Wright looks back at the Falklands War
Thirty years on... It's thirty years since Argentina invaded the Falkland islands. One army medic who served in the conflict recalls what it was like.