Weather affects Midlanders

People in the Midlands are being affected by the strong winds currently hitting the UK. Popular holiday destinations for Midlanders on the East coast are being particularly affected by the wind, and are at risk of flooding.

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Boston properties visited by community support team

All properties in Boston in Lincolnshire have been visited by a member of a community support team, so occupants’ needs can be assessed.

Lincolnshire Police says properties where nobody was home have been revisited at least once, and the team would continue to work to reassure the community that there is a visible and secure presence in the area.

Throughout this recovery phase, people from all agencies, businesses and charities have been working extremely hard to support the communities in Boston.

Members of the emergency services and uniformed agencies can be very easy to spot but there are others whose sterling efforts may not have been so obvious to the public.

I would particularly like to extend my thanks to the staff at Boston Borough Council, whose support in co-ordinating the recovery, and in helping to bring everything together, has been invaluable.

– Superintendent Phil Vickers
  1. National

Flooded fields in Lincolnshire

Flooding over north Lincolnshire, as air crews check for overhead power line network damage. Credit: Northern Powergrid /PA Wire

In Boston, Lincolnshire, more than 250 people were taken to evacuation centres last night, and 200 were reported to be at a centre in Clacton-on-Sea in Essex.

Residents have now been told they can return home, but must check with police before entering their homes due to gas and electricity safety concerns.


  1. National

Puddles of flood water in aisle of Boston church

St Botolph's Church in Boston, Lincolnshire was affected by last night's flooding:


Windy weather presents risk on land, air and water

Travel in the Midlands has been affected by the recent onset of severe winds that have hit the UK, but it is not just the roads that have been affected.

Both the East and West Midlands have been issued with warnings of ice on the roads, as well as winds so strong they have overturned lorries in the last few days.

Whilst a man in Nottingham was killed yesterday by a falling tree, the Met Office are advising people to take care of falling debris.

East Midlands trains have also suspended a number of services this morning and anyone thinking of practising water-sports should take extra caution, whilst those with a canal boat or sailing boat should wear a buoyancy aid at all times.

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