Valesha’s nightclub: Walsall club has licence revoked after man fatally stabbed

Valesha’s nightclub has been stripped of its licence after Akeem Francis-Kerr was fatally stabbed Credit: BPM Media

A Walsall nightclub which was the scene of a fatal stabbing will shut for good after police successfully applied to revoke its licence.

Valesha’s nightclub, in Newport Street, also known locally as Colliseum, has been stripped of its licence after Akeem Francis-Kerr was fatally stabbed at the venue in the early hours of 11 March.

Valesha’s had its premises licence suspended last month, pending a full review hearing, following a request from Walsall Police that the venue was associated with serious crime and disorder.

The venue has now had its licence permanently revoked by Walsall Council’s licencing sub-committee after officers made representations.

Police said a condition on the premises licence stated routine searches would take place to ensure no illegal substances or weapons would be brought into the club, but this was breached.

Officers said they also revealed evidence of previous licensing breaches and incidents of assaults, disorder and robbery.

Police at the scene

Chief Superintendent Phil Dolby, Commander at Walsall Local Policing Area, said: “We cannot tolerate premises where appropriate measures are either not in place or not managed correctly and a knife can be brought in with the risk of or, as in this case resulting in someone being killed.

"The safety of the public cannot be compromised and we strive to ensure the venues across our town are properly and diligently managed.

“We know there have also been concerns around recent knife crime in the town and we've been working hard, alongside partner agencies across Walsall, to reduce the risk of violence.”