Delivering Christmas presents in style for children at Heartlands Hospital

ITV Central reporter Ravneet Nandra met up with some of the club members and sent this report

With just a week till Christmas, children at Heartlands Hospital were visited not by Santa on his sleigh, but on a fleet of classic American trucks and cars full of presents.

The Coleshill Auto Breakfast Meet have been fundraising to deliver presents to children who cannot celebrate Christmas at home.

The arrived at the hospital honking their horns and decorated in lights as some of the children watched on.

Santa and his elves appeared with sacks full of presents on the back of a truck and greeted the children before going inside and delivering a present to each child in the Paediatric ward.

The Coleshill Auto Breakfast Meet gave over £400 worth of presents to children of all ages, from babies to teenagers.

Gary Byrne, one of the founders of the club said: "Our motto is Smiles per Miles and today has just been fantastic."

"Members have also wrapped presents and we've done it in age groups so nought to five, five to 10, 10 to 15, 16.

"And just to see the kids faces in the windows. The hearts there, isn't it. The hearts there. Hence The Heartlands.

Mel Hancock from University Hospitals Birmingham Charity, which helped facilitate the visit, said: "To be in hospital any time of year is difficult, but to be in hospital during Christmas is particularly harder, and especially for children who really should be snugged up at home with presents around the tree and some of them have to be here on Christmas day.

"But just for a few moments for them be distracted with what they might be going through, is just fantastic for us to bring that joy for them, just for those few moments.