Businesses in Midlands towns on the border with Wales worry about national lockdown impact

20/10/20 worries over the Wales lockdown for Midlands shops on the border
Credit: ITV News Central

Businesses in Midlands towns that are on the border with Wales are worried about the impact the national lockdown there will have on them.

Hotels and cafes in parts of Herefordshire have already seen trade falling in recent weeks as local restrictions have come in in South Wales.

They're now concerned that the so-called circuit-breaker will damage them even more. That includes Jonathon Smith-Milne who bought his hotel 14 years ago.

Credit: ITV News Central

Despite being in the relatively low covid-rate area of Herefordshire, sales have been slowing recently due to local restrictions in parts of South Wales.

And yesterday news came of a national lockdown there starting on Friday, something he says will have dramatic effects.

Meanwhile, customers at a local cafe and deli mostly come from Wales too. The owner's not convinced the Welsh lockdown is the right thing.

Lucy Gardner said: “I don't think it is sustainable. I don't think popping in and out of lockdown is really going to work, I think the impact financially and mentally is going to be quite drastic, on all businesses, not just my own, especially if you've got to close again."

Credit: ITV News Central

From Friday staff will only be serving customers living in England - but it doesn't mean they won't feel the effect of the Welsh restrictions.

The businesses this side of the border just hope that enough customers keep coming to make sure that they'll sustain.

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