'Sizeable increase' in the number of confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Leicester
Latest figures from Public Health England show that 2,494 Covid-19 cases have been confirmed in Leicester since the start of the epidemic.
Of these, 658 cases were reported in the last two weeks.
Leicester City Council say that city has seen a sizeable increase in the number of confirmed cases of Covid-19, therefore it’s vital that everyone continues to stay at home as much as possible, maintains social distancing, and washes their hands regularly.
Earlier today (18 June), Health Secretary Matt Hancock said that the government are working hard to 'track down' an 'outbreak' of the virus in Leicester.
For those in Leicester wanting to get tested, a mobile testing unit is at Evington leisure centre this week (until 21 June), while a permanent testing facility is available at the Birstall park and ride site.
Ivan Browne, director of public health at Leicester City Council, said: “Although the overall numbers are relatively small, we are concerned that the number of cases of Covid-19 in Leicester is increasing."