What to do if you're being bullied
For children and teenagers being bullied at school
Let your parents or carers know: tell them how long it has been going on and how it makes you feel.
You can write everything down to show them, or ask a friend or family member to join you.
Report it to your school: you or your parents can report what's going on to your teacher. The school will have procedures to support you as they must keep you safe from bullying.
For adults being bullied at work
Find out what your work place policy is on bullying
Talk to someone you trust, for support, whether a friend, family member or trusted workmate
Make notes of what they say or do, when it happens and who else witnesses it. This could be used as evidence.
Keep any emails and screenshots of online posts.
If you feel it's safe to, speak to the person who is bullying you and let them know how it affects you, because in some cases, they might not be aware
If you're not comfortable doing so, let relevant people know what’s going on, for example management
Make an official complaint through HR or your trade union
Here are a list of helplines you can contact from the Anti-Bullying Alliance:
ChildLine: the UK's free, confidential helpline for children and young people. It's available 24 hours a day: 0800 1111.
Direct Gov: Information and advice for young people on cyberbullying, bullying on social networks.
EACH: 0808 1000 143. It’s open Monday to Friday 10am-5pm.
Victim Support: They offer support to young people affected by crime: 08 08 16 89 111Kidscape: 020 7730 3300
End Bullying: 028 9087 5006
Act Against BullyingRainbow Trust: 01372 363438
Bullying UK: 0808 800 2222
Child Exploitation Online Protection Centre: for grooming or other illegal behaviour online towards a child, (in an emergency contact 999)
Internet Watch Foundation: to report criminal content online including child sexual abuse images.
Counter Terrorism Internet Referral Unit: to report terrorism-related content.
True Vision to report online content which incites hatred on the grounds of race, religion, disability, sexual orientation or gender.