Neo-Nazi couple who named their son after Hitler sentenced for being part of terrorist group National Action

A neo-Nazi couple who named their son after Adolf Hitler have been sentenced to 11 years for being members of a terrorist group.

Adam Thomas and Claudia Patatas were sentenced at Birmingham Crown Court to six and a half years and five years in prison respectively.

Thomas, who comes from Birmingham, and Patatas, originally from Portugal, were members of the banned group National Action.

Police believe the banned organisation was planning a "white jihad". The group was proscribed in 2016, meaning membership is a crime.

The pair wanted to "bring back concentration camps" and were found guilty after a seven-week trial.

On Thomas's computer at the couple's home in Oxfordshire, officers found a book on making homemade bombs and grenades.They also found Nazi symbols and weapons.

Police found Nazi memorabilia and weapoons in Thomas and Patatas' home. Credit: ITV News Central

Their friend, Darren Fletcher, from Wolverhampton admitted National Action membership before trial, and was also jailed for five years for the same offence.

In all, six people were sentenced for being members of what Judge Melbourne Inman QC described as a group with "horrific" goals.He said:

Thomas said his son's middle name Credit: ITV News Central

Thomas and Patatas gave their child the middle name Adolf, which was in "admiration"of Hitler, said Thomas, when giving evidence after being arrested.

On sentencing Patatas, the judge said she was "equally as extreme" as Thomas in her views and actions and condemned them for the naming of their son after Adolf Hitler and surrounding him with "symbols of Nazism and the Ku Klux Klan".