Police release photo of Leicester rapist Charlie Pearce

Police have released the first photograph along with CCTV of Charlie Pearce. Credit: Leicestershire Police.

Police have released a picture of a teenager who carried out an attack on a woman as she walked through a city park late at night in an incident which has been described by detectives as “barbaric and wicked beyond belief.”

Charlie Pearce of West Avenue, Leicester, beat the young woman around the head before dragging her into secluded undergrowth in Victoria Park and raping her as she slipped into unconsciousness.

There was violence throughout the attack and police say the defendant intended to kill his victim.

Following the attack, Pearce fled the scene and immediately set about disposing of his blood-soaked clothes as well as setting fire to his victims handbag which he had stolen.

Around an hour later, the victim was found by another woman as she cycled through the park and then called the emergency services.

She was rushed to hospital and despite suffering serious injuries and spending days in a medically-induced coma, she survived.

Today after a four-day trial held at Leicester Crown Court which the victim attended, the jury convicted Pearce of her attempted murder.

Today after a four-day trial held at Leicester Crown Court which the victim attended, the jury convicted Pearce of her attempted murder. Credit: ITV News / Police.

Pearce had previously admitted two counts of rape, and will be sentenced at a later date for all of his offences at the Old Bailey in London.

Officers paid tribute to the victim for her bravery in both her mental and physical recovery and the determination to rebuild her life.