Pictures emerge of unexploded Second World War bomb which brought Birmingham to a standstill

Credit: BPM.

An unexploded Second World War bomb caused misery for drivers across Birmingham today.

Police and the Army were forced to close the A38 Aston Expressway following the discovery by workmen earlier today.

The route remains closed in both directions, eight hours after police were alerted to to the discovery at a construction site in Priory Road, Aston.

West Midlands Ambulance Service shared a photo of the bomb, claiming it weighed around 250kg - or just over 550lbs.

The army were drafted in to help today. Credit: ITV News.

Normally bomb disposal experts, if the device is small, like a grenade will take it away and destroy in a controlled explosion.

Police and the Army were forced to close the A38 Aston Expressway following the discovery by workmen earlier today. Credit: ITV News.

But as the picture above shows, the Luftwaffe dropped 1,000 and 500 lb bombs on the city during the war - so large they could cause significant damage to the area.

Police and the Army were forced to close the A38 Aston Expressway following the discovery by workmen earlier today. Credit: BPM.