Birmingham pub bombing campaigners legal aid set back

The Home Secretary has refused to offer financial support for the relatives of some of the victims of the Birmingham Pub Bombings.

In a personal phone call to one of the campaigners, she expressed her sympathy and support for the relatives.

But Amber Rudd has decided not to offer funding along the lines provided to the families of the Hillsborough disaster.

Home Secretary Amber Rudd expressed her sympathy and support. Credit: PA Images

Her decision follows an inconclusive meeting held earlier this month where campaigners asked for funding to support a full inquest into their deaths.

Some said they'd left that meeting "frustrated and disappointed" after being "left in limbo" waiting for an answer.

But Amber Rudd has pledged her support for an application to the Legal Aid Agency (LAA) for legal aid to fund continuing legal representation at the inquests due to commence in November.

If the LAA approve this, it's understood the families will receive similar support to the relatives of those who died in the 7/7 bombings in London.

Read more: Open letter by sister of Birmingham pub bombings' victim