'Home Start is our lifeline': One woman's powerful story

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Hundreds of families rely on the Home Start service in Redditch every year - from parents battling post-natal depression, to those in debt, suffering bereavement, or dealing with domestic abuse.

But it may have to close down as it struggles to meet a £70,000 funding shortfall.

One woman, who became pregnant after being raped, wrote for ITV News Central on how the service helped her survive her ordeal - and what it means to her.

"I am a single parent to a three-year-old. My pregnancy was a result of 'date rape'.

This, compounded by long-standing mental health issues, meant having a small baby was extremely hard for me to deal with. I found other local services difficult to access, and I didn't have any friends who were mums with young children, so support was limited.

I was eventually referred to Home Start by my health visitor, so that I could attend the 'Mums in Mind' group [for women with post-natal depression].

Due to my anxiety, it took several attempts by the woman who is my now family coordinator, Deb, to make contact with me and convince me to go along. I was unable to leave my son in the creche to attend the group, so was supported by the staff to keep him with me.

From this shaky start, I began attending the family groups, and slowly started to make friends with other mums.

I went on to build enough confidence in the staff that I felt happy to leave my son in the creche to attend the group that looks at children's behaviours and learning. I really enjoyed this opportunity to learn, and was asked back on the next group to act as a peer support - which I did.

Credit: ITV News Central

"I also have a volunteer who comes to my house each week and takes my son for a walk and helps me keep on top of the housework - another service that has huge value to me.

I have disclosed many issues since joining Home Start, and Deb referred me to a specialist counselling service - she has even attended appointments with me. She has also supported me with the process of accessing local mental health services, which has now been going on for over 12 months. She has been there every step of the way.

Last year, she also gave me and my son our very first summer 'holiday', referring us to a children's farm.

I feel although I still have many issues to work through, I have come so far with Home Start's support and the friendships I have made. I know our situation would be very, very different without it.

I worry about the service being closed down as it is invaluable, a lifeline - knowing someone is at the end of the phone or in the office with a cuppa and chat if you call in.

I worry how my son and I will manage, how he'll cope when he realises there is no group to go to. Who will I go to for that advice, that reassurance?

To be honest, I worry about what our future holds as a whole."