Famous 'Dogs of Instagram' to have own stand at Crufts

Noodle Credit: Instagram/noodlethedachshund

A number of dogs who have found fame on Instagram are being given their own stand at Crufts. The world's biggest dog show gets underway at the NEC in Birmingham today.

Many are popular on social media after their owners posted several photos of them in various poses and outfits. But some like Winny the Corgi, the Pembroke Welsh Corgi, are being credited with an upsurge in popularity for breeds whose numbers had dropped to a very low level.

According to the Daily Telegraph the Kennel Club said that registrations of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi have risen by almost a third in the past year.

Ramsey Credit: Instagram/BlueStaffy
Bruno Credit: Instagram/brunotheminidachshund

Fans at Crufts will be able to meet Winny, who has 18 and a half thousand followers.

They will also get to see:

  • Bruno the miniature dachshund with 65,400 followers

  • Noodle, another dachshund with 22,000 followers

  • Ramsey, the Blue Staffordshire bull terrier with 128,000 followers

  • Mika the husky with 58,300 followers

  • Elle the French bulldog with 8,718 followers

Elle Credit: Instagram/grrlgenius_
Noodle Credit: Instagram/noodlethedachshund
Mika Credit: Instagram/huskymika