'Most tattooed man in Britain' sets new world record

Matthew Whelan, Aka 'HRM King of Inkland" claims to be the most tattooed man in Britain. Credit: HRM King of Inkland

A man from Birmingham claims to have set new world record for the number of tattoos being drawn on his body at any one time.

Matthew Whelan, who legally changed his name to "HRM The King of Inkland", has spent more than £30,000 on covering his body in tattoos.

The 36-year-old claims to be the most tattooed man in Britain.

He now is hopes his name will be placed in the record books, after 36 registered tattoo artists all drew designs on him at the same time during the Needle Gangsters Tattoo Expo at the iPro Stadium in Derby.

Mr Inkland grimaces as the work is carried out. Credit: HRM King of Inkland

Mr Inkland said:

"This was the most ever people to work on one person at one time ever.

I know have numbers all over from 1 to 36."

36 tattoo artists crowd around Mr Inkland during the record attempt. Credit: HRM King of Inkland