What is Formaldehyde?
Flash Ley Community Primary School and Nursery in Stafford is closed after the toxic gas Formaldehyde was discovered in the air. Tests began after around 20 children fell ill and a strong odour could be smelt.
What is Formaldehyde?
According to Public Health England, Formaldehyde is a colourless, corrosive, flammable gas with a pungent, suffocating smell.
Where does it come from?
It can come from natural or industrial sources. It's used in some furnishings and building materials like plywood, carpeting, foam insulation and as paper and textile finishing treatments. It's also effective in killing most bacteria, viruses and fungi. It's produced in the atmosphere when methane is broken down by sunlight.
According to the Health Protection Agency formaldehyde can lead to:
Irritation of the nose, mouth and throat
Respiratory problems
Swelling of the larnyx and lungs may occur
Exposure of the eyes to formaldehyde causes immediate stinging and burning
Although it is toxic to humans, the school says the children affected are unlikely to have any long term health effects.