Don't keep it quiet - we have a new national Noise Map
By Chris ChoiITV News Consumer Editor
Experts have combed through thousands of planning proposals to help us build our new noise map.
It shows how close current and possible future noise sources are to where you live.
The research - commissioned by the Tonight programme with location intelligence experts Groundsure - includes analysis of planning applications for fracking, major construction sites and big infrastructure projects.
As the government aims to deliver £411bn of major infrastructure projects as well as fast-track fracking, there are concerns about noise.
Our research also shows that many medics believe there can be a big impact on the health of your family if life gets louder. Noise is thought to cause 43,000 hospital admissions and 10,000 premature deaths across Europe every year.
How to use our map:
First, don't panic. We have included potential noise sites as well as ones that are more certain to occur.
Many of the future plans will be subject to public consultations and we wanted to alert you to any that may affect you.
What to do if you see your area affected
The symbols used on our map will show you what category of potential noise is being indicated.
This will sign-post you towards where to get more information. The planning department of your local council will be a good starting point to learn more.
Many of the potential developments may have been the subject of local attention already - and a quick check for online mentions will often bring you the information you need.
What if I am buying a home in an area affected
Experts say that noise should be one of the primary considerations when buying property. You should mention any matters of concern to the vendor and to your lawyer and surveyor.