Drive-in Grease movie night planned for Bearwood
A pair of Danny and Sandy lookalikes from the hit film Grease have been out and about mingling with shoppers in Bearwood and Harborne this weekend.
The duo have been spreading 'the word' about a drive-in movie night, to be held at Lightwoods park in Bearwood near Birmingham, when the original film starring Olivia Newton-John and John Travolta will be shown.
Jointly organised by the Friends of Lightwoods park and House and Sandwell council, it will be screened on a massive HD quality screen with the soundtrack played through movie goers' car stereo systems via an FM signal.
Richard Marshall, chair of the Friends of Lightwoods park said:
He added that there was room for 500 cars on the night and that there had already been interest from as far afield as Shrewsbury.
Any profit made from the evening will go towards funding further events in the park which is just off the Hagley road.
The gates open at 5.30pm on Friday 14 September with the movie starting at 8pm - fifities dress is optional.
For more details click here.