Children's services in Rotherham remain 'inadequate', Ofsted finds

Children's services in Rotherham remain "inadequate", according to an Ofsted inspection launched after a report found widespread sexual exploitation in the town.

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Asian girls 'too frightened' to go into Rotherham following child exploitation scandal backlash

There are claims Asian girls are too frightened to go into Rotherham's town centre because of an alarming backlash in the wake of the child exploitation scandal.Three months ago the Jay Report highlighted how authorities had failed 1400 girls who were abused there - mainly at the hands of British Pakistani men.Today the town's MP, Sarah Champion, said she'd met a growing number of Asian girls who have faced physical and verbal abuse from racists, apparently as revenge for what had happened to white girls in the town. David Hirst reports.

'We accept findings' of report, says council

Young people in Rotherham are still at risk of being abused, according to the latest report into child sexual exploitation in the town.

The report, by education watchdog OFSTED, highlighted widespread or serious failures at Rotherham council, and classed the authority's children's services as "inadequate".

The Council say they have accepted the findings of the report, and measures are in place to improve the safety of young people.

Jane Parfrement is Acting Director of Social Services


Rotherham Council issue statement after Ofsted report

Accepting the findings of the report in their entirety, Leader of the Council, Cllr Paul Lakin, said that they provided the Authority with an independent and authoritative benchmark against which to secure improvement.

“Keeping children and young people safe remains our highest priority. We are sorry that we have let them down in the past, but we know that apologies simply aren’t enough. We are determined and committed to addressing all the issues raised in this report, and must demonstrate that we are doing so, if we are to rebuild trust and confidence in our services. The best way to serve children and young people now is to learn from those mistakes and look to the future.

The report talks about the importance of strong effective leadership and strong governance, about the need to hear service users’ voices and to ensure that the standards against which we will be measure are widely shared, understood and adhered to.

The appointment of a strong new leadership team – including our newly-appointed Director of Children’s Services Ian Thomas – is already helping to secure the change needed to ensure our organisation is fit for purpose. We are seeking to make further interim appointments within Children’s Services within the next week.”

– Cllr Paul Lakin

Rotherham Safeguarding Children’s Board respond to Ofsted report

"I accept the findings of the Ofsted report published today in their entirety: this is a further example of where collectively agencies could have done better for children, young people and families. The Board partners were already aware of many of the issues raised in the report and are already working hard together to address these. Whilst in the report OfSTED have acknowledged the improvements made since my arrival as Independent Chair and have reported that our direction of travel is positive, I accept that the pace of change needs to be quickened.

I am working with Board members, the Chief Executive of the Council and the incoming Director of Children's Services to review and strengthen our plans for tackling the failings and shortfalls identified by Ofsted and secure the improvements still needed, with renewed pace and vigour.

The Corporate Governance Inspection currently being undertaken by Louise Casey and reports from Malcolm Newsam, the Children’s Commissioner, will provide further guidance around what needs to be done and Rotherham’s Improvement Board will help ensure that robust challenge is in place. We look forward to working with the strong new leadership and management team in place at Rotherham Council to ensure the well-being and protection of our children and young people in the future."

– Steve Ashley, Independent Chair of Rotherham Local Safeguarding Children’s Board
  1. National

Ofsted: Councils 'too slow' over child sexual exploitation

The education watchdog has warned that the most vulnerable children in society are at risk of sexual exploitation due to unacceptable failings by social services, health workers and police.

Ofsted: Councils 'too slow' over child sexual exploitation Credit: PA

Ofsted said local authorities have been "too slow" to face up to their responsibilities in preventing child sexual exploitation while those designed to protect young people had failed to share information with others.

Arrangements to tackle sexual exploitation at a local level were described as "underdeveloped", while leadership was criticised as being "frequently lacking".

  1. National

Ofsted: 'Not enough to wait for the next scandal'

Ofsted's national director for social care has said it not enough to 'simply wait for the next scandal to happen' in a damning report on councils' response to child sexual exploitation.

While we have found examples of excellent frontline practice, it is clear that some areas have moved faster, further and more effectively than others.

It is not enough to simply wait for the next scandal to happen. We are calling on all local authorities and their partners to ensure that they have a comprehensive multi-agency strategy and action plan in place to tackle child sexual exploitation.

– Debbie Jones, Ofsted's national director for social care


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