Venomous Huntsman spider found in Hull shipping container caught by RSPCA in lunchbox

The spider was trapped in a lunchbox by an RSPCA inspector. Credit: RSPCA

A large Huntsman spider was trapped in a lunchbox after being found in a shipping container in Hull.

The Chinese spider - which can grow to be the largest in the world - was found at Kingston International Business Park and had travelled over 5000 miles to East Yorkshire.

The RSPCA were called to the port after staff refused to go back into the container after spotting the eight-legged creature.

Inspector Beth Boyd used a tupperware container she had to hand to catch the male spider, who has been named Rolf and is now in the care of an exotic animal rescue centre. 

The RSPCA said that the spider was quite docile when it was caught. Credit: RSPCA

Beth said: “The docks staff were halfway through unpacking the container when they saw it - apparently they all refused to go back into the yard.

"When I got there they were all waiting for me to remove him, although the only time I’ve dealt with a spider like this was a tarantula as part of my training. I’ve never come across something like this before at work. 

"But he was quite docile and he wasn’t moving around, probably because it was so cold. I put the tupperware onto the container wall and encouraged him into it."

Huntsmen are members of the Sparassidae family of spiders. They are considered to be the world’s largest spider by leg span, which can reach around 11 inches when fully grown.

Found in warm temperate and tropical regions, including Asia and Australia, huntsman spiders are venomous but aren’t dangerous to people, although they can give a nasty bite, so the RSPCA would always advise caution around them.