Wakefield Cathedral's Peregrines pulling in viewers from around the world

Credit: Wakefield Cathedral

A set of falcon eggs nestled in a Yorkshire cathedral spire are being eagerly monitored by birdwatchers from Australia to Argentina.

Wakefield Cathedral is home to a breeding pair of peregrine falcons - with four eggs that are about to hatch - the birds of prey can be watched 24 hours a day on the Cathedral's webcam.

The birds usually nest on cliff edges, however, experts say that they love the cathedrals because of the height of the building.

Francis Hickenbottom, who is part of the Wakefield Peregrine Project, said that the bird's eggs are expected to hatch at the end of April.

Francis said: "It's a thing that is becoming increasingly common in recent years, the peregrines are a good news story they having a resurgence after a population crash."

He added that people from over 50 countries are watching the birds as they prepare to become parents.

The Dean of Wakefield Cathedral, The Very Revd Simon Cowling, said that he was glad that the birds had put the city on the map.

He said: "I think it means that there will be a greater awareness of Wakefield's history and the possibilities that Wakefield has as we move into a future that will look very different to the recent past."

He added that he was glad that the church was able to help in the resurgence of a species that were almost extinct in the UK.