The Crucible set to welcome back fans for the Snooker World Championships in April

Snooker balls at the World Championships, The Crucible Theatre Credit: PA

The World Snooker Championships, held annually at Sheffield's Crucible Theatre, is set to become one of the first sporting events this year to welcome back spectators.

Judd Trump with World Snooker Championship Trophy in 2019 Credit: PA

Major events like the World Snooker Championships and the FA Cup final have been identified by the government as potential pilot events ahead of mass crowds returning in the summer.

The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sports haven't revealed yet how many spectators will be allowed to attend these pilot events.

This year's World Snooker Championships are scheduled to take place between 17 April and 3rd May.

Last year's event was postponed from it's original date in spring to late summer due to the pandemic. It was also used as a pilot scheme for the safe return of spectators with fans allowed inside The Crucible for three days of the tournament, including the two days of the final.