Food business owner banned for serious offences

A Skegness food premises owner who didn’t comply with basic food hygiene and health and safety, has been taken to court by East Lindsey District Council and ordered to pay £2,906.37 and banned from being a food business operator.

The Council’s Environmental team first inspected the premises, formerly Bel Piatto on Roman Bank in Skegness, in December 2018 which resulted in three food hygiene improvement notices and one health and safety improvement notice for unclean food preparation areas and fridges, and electrical hazards.

Mr Poitr Stefenek failed to comply with these notices as conditions had deteriorated on the next visit in April 2019, and legal proceedings were initiated.

Credit: East Lindsey District Council

On being invited for an interview under caution, it was found Mr Stefenek had ceased trading and had left the premises.

Due to the seriousness of the offences and the long standing nature of the non-compliance with food hygiene standards, the decision was taken to pursue the matter with a view to preventing Mr Stefenek from operating again by requesting a court order to prohibit him from running any further food businesses.

Credit: East Lindsey District Council

After several attendances at Boston Magistrates Court, Mr Stefenek pleaded guilty to all matters and the court imposed a suspended sentence of 24 weeks imprisonment suspended for 12 months.

Credit: East Lindsey District Council

The court also put in place an order prohibiting him from being a food business operator unti he could satisfy a court that he is a fit and proper person to take on that role.The premises has since been refurbished by the landlord and is now operated by a new food business operator, and has been awarded a food Hygiene rating of 4.

Portfolio Holder for Operational Services, Councillor Martin Foster, said: