Hottest June weather since 1976 but will it return?
By ITV News Calendar Meteorologist Jon Mitchell
Temperatures reached up to 34.5°C at Heathrow yesterday, the hottest June day since 1976 but it wasn't a patch on the summer of 1976 with FIFTEEN consecutive days of 32ºC or above.Today (Thursday) and tomorrow cold fronts sweep across the UK bringing much more cloud and a fresher feel to the weather.
So for the weekend it's goodbye to muggy, hot Mediterranean air and hello cooler, fresher air from the Atlantic.In a nutshell the weekend will be bright and breezy with an odd shower and the small chance of a passing shower. Get into a sun-trap though and out of the breeze and it will feel quite pleasant. Also the pollen count won't be quite so high.
The question is, will the heatwave return?Well, not in the next week it won't.For the coming week the weather returns to a more 'normal' summer with broken cloud, occasional rainy spells, some sunshine and near average temperatures.