Tragic short life of Hamzah Khan
Mother-of-eight Amanda Hutton starved her four-year-old son, Hamzah Khan, to death.
Here is a timeline featuring some of key events in the lives of Hutton, Hamzah and her seven other children as well as their relationship with various agencies.
This is not an exhaustive list of every contact the family has had with police and health services.
:: September 11, 1970 - Hutton born.
:: 1986/87 - Hutton begins her long relationship with Aftab Khan, Hamzah's father.
:: February 13, 1989 - Tariq Khan born - Hutton and Khan's first child.
:: May 28, 1996 - First of many records of police being called to a domestic violence incident involving Hutton being attacked by Khan.
:: June 17, 2005 - Hamza Khan born. Nothing to cause concern.
:: June 23, 2005 - Hamzah seen by a midwife at home. Nothing to cause concern.
:: July 7, 2005 - Hamzah seen by health visitor for "birth visit". Nothing to cause concern. This is the last time Hamzah is seen by a health professional.
:: July 28, 2005 - Hutton misses an ultrasound scan at hospital arranged for Hamzah. It was the first of many missed health service appointments.
:: October 6, 2005 - Hutton discusses options for getting away from Aftab Khan with Pc Virginia Whittaker, an experience domestic violence officer with West Yorkshire Police.
:: October 11, 2005 - Hutton goes to GP suffering from depression following birth of Hamzah.
:: October 2005 - Health visitor sees Hutton after three unsuccessful attempts. Records say the door was slammed in her face, although Hutton disputes this.
:: December 24, 2005 - Hutton's mother dies, an event that appears to have a profound effect on her.
:: February 15, 2006 - The health visitor again attempts to visit Hutton and leaves a calling card.
:: August 2006 - Following further attempts by the health visitor to see Hutton, she contacts the Child Protection Unit of social services for advice.
:: August 2006 - A registrar of births visit Hutton at home and notes she had a "puffed up" eye and smelt of alcohol.
:: September 7, 2006 - Hutton goes to GP saying she had "hit rock bottom" and is drinking.
:: September 19, 2006 - Hamzah is registered with a GP 15 months after his birth but never attends the practice or gets any of his jabs.
:: November 23, 2006 - A social worker attends Hutton's house and speaks to her. The social worker sees all of her children, except one who was at college, including Hamzah. Hutton tells the social worker she had lost faith with the health services, did not want the children immunised and said she was tearful because she had caught her on a bad day.
:: February 22, 2007 - Hutton attends GP surgery for last time.
:: April 2007 - A social worker contacts health visitor to say Hutton had had a "change of heart" and was prepared to engage with services.
:: May to November 2007 - Hamzah not taken to a range of immunisation appointments.
:: December 7, 2007 - Police called to Hutton's house after a "dropped" 999 call. Injured and drunk Hutton says she had been assaulted but later withdraws the allegation.
:: June 13, 2008 - Hutton and her family are the subject of a Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC). A health visitor contacts school about attendance issues with some of her children.
:: August 2008 - Another MARAC discusses Hutton refusal to engage with an organisation that supports women affected by domestic violence.
:: December 4, 2008 - Aftab Khan assaults Hutton. A police officer visits and notes nothing of concern relating to children in the house. Pc Sarah-Jane Metcalfe told the court she had a list of all the children in her notebook but could not remember whether this meant she had actually seen all of them. This incident leads to Khan's only conviction for attacking his partner and the couple split.
:: December 9, 2008 - Aftab Khan is interviewed by police about the incident on December 4 and raises concerns about the welfare of Hamzah. Khan claims he will contact social services.
:: December 2008 - Hutton and all her children except Qaiser, who is now 22, move house in Bradford following her split from Khan. A judge grants an injunction forcing Aftab Khan to stay away from Hutton.
:: January 19, 2009 - A worker for a domestic abuse support charity visits Hutton in her new home and reports nothing of concern.
:: January 2009 - Another MARAC meeting hears that Hutton is now working with a domestic violence support charity.
:: February 17, 2009 - Pc Whittaker visits Hutton at home in connection with the ongoing prosecution of Aftab Khan. Hutton tells the officer she does not want her to see the children saying they needed their nappies changing and were upstairs. Pc Whittaker is not concerned and says house was clean and tidy.
:: March 16, 2009 - Hutton and her children move to a larger house in Bradford. This is the house where Hamzah's body is eventually found.
:: April 21, 2009 - Pc Maria Furness conducts a "welfare check" on Hutton's house after some of the children are left at school at picking up time. The officer said the house was clean and tidy and Hamzah seemed OK. Hutton appeared to be under the influence of something.
:: June 9, 2009 - Aftab Khan given a community order by magistrates after admitting battery following the incident on December 4.
:: September 2009 - Hamzah would normally have started school (although there was no legal requirement until his fifth birthday in June 2010)
:: December 14, 2009 - Hutton said Hamzah was taken ill but described him as poorly rather than seriously unwell.
:: December 15, 2009 - Hamzah dies at a time unknown while Hutton is at a Morrisons supermarket. At 11.05pm a call is made from Hutton's phone to Pizza Hut. At 11.07pm a call is made from Hutton's phone to the Spicy Delight Indian take-away.
:: September 21, 2011- Hamzah's decomposed body is found in a cot in Hutton's bedroom. Five of his siblings, aged between five and 13, are removed from the house which is in "appalling squalor".
:: March 6, 2013 - Hutton is charged with the manslaughter of Hamzah.
:: July 24, 2013 - Hutton admits child cruelty in respect to five of her children and preventing the burial of a corpse at Bradford Crown Court. Her son, Tariq, admits preventing the burial of a corpse.
:: September 18. 2013 - Hutton goes on trial at Bradford Crown Court accused of manslaughter.
:: September 30, 2013 - Hutton is brought to court by police but is too drunk to give evidence and her defence is delayed.