
Green Flag awards for local parks

The council celebrate Dock Park in Dumfries receiving an award. Credit: D&G Council

Parks in Cumbria and the south of Scotland have been named amongst the best in Britain.

Chances Park in Carlisle, Dock Park in Dumfries, and Silloth Green, have all been given green flag status.

The Green Flag scheme is run by the charity Keep Britain Tidy in England, and by environmental charity Keep Scotland Beautiful in Scotland.

The flag is awarded as a stamp of quality to parks and green spaces that score highly in a range of areas including cleanliness and community involvement.

It means a lot to Dumfries, especially getting it three years in a row.

Everyone who's involved in the park will be really proud of what they've achieved, looking at what it was like years ago and what it is now.

– Cllr John Martin, Dumfries & Galloway Council