
Export help for south west Scotland

A new programme to develop international export opportunities for small businesses is being launched across south west Scotland. It's a one to one system that will help businesses export their products to north America and countries in Europe.

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Small businesses find international success

Chris Harrison owns Waulkmill Cider near Langholm. He started the business in 2010, and now sells cider vinegars and perry as well. He's been trying to grow the company and now, with the help of Access Six, exports to Germany.

Access Six is a project run by Scotland Run and Drink. Small business who sign up are given a mentor to help them develop their company and look at exporting to foreign markets.

Chris Harrison now exports his product in Germany Credit: ITV Border

Chris said:** **"Any help that a small business can get, especially at the moment, is worth taking. If you can get on board with an organisation like this, people can assist you with making contacts, helping you with the paperwork and the red tape. It's an absolute wealth."

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