
Cameron: Scottish referendum 'is a major life decision'

David Cameron will attempt to tackle accusations of "scaremongering" over Scotland's future as he opens the Scottish Conservative party conference today. He will warn that "this referendum is a major life decision" and all the facts need to be known.

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Cameron: 'No vote is not a vote for no change.'

David Cameron told the Scottish Conservative Party conference in Edinburgh that a 'no vote' can mean further devolution and more power to the Scottish people.

"Let me be absolutely clear: a vote for 'no' is not a vote for 'no change'.

"We are committed to making devolution work better still.

"Not because we want to give Alex Salmond a consolation prize if Scotland votes No, but because it's the right thing to do.

"Giving the Scottish Parliament greater responsibility for raising more of the money it spends.

"So here's the re-cap: vote yes, that is total separation.

"Vote no, that can mean further devolution more power to the Scottish people and their Parliament, but with the crucial insurance policy that comes with being part of the UK."

– David Cameron, Prime Minister

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