
Rural crime campaign launched

Cumbria Police are asking the community to help them tackle sheep and livestock thefts in rural areas.

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Cumbria Police launch rural crime campaign

Cumbria Police are asking the community to help them tackle sheep and livestock thefts in rural areas.

The force have launched a week of action to raise the profile of livestock crime in rural areas.

It follows the announcement that over the past three years more than £400,000 worth of livestock has been stolen.

"It is key for us to work together to put a stop to this type of rural crime.

“When people see something out of place or someone acting suspiciously I urge them to contact Cumbria Police through the non-emergency 101 number straight away.

"This will help us to help protect them, prevent offences and prosecute offenders."

– Temporary Detective Sergeant Andrew Lamb

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