
Dumfries and Galloway public sector workers win historic equal pay case

Hundreds of female public sector workers in Dumfries and Galloway are celebrating after winning a Supreme Court case against Dumfries and Galloway Council in a fight for equal pay.

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Dumfries and Galloway Council response to court ruling

Below is a statement from Dumfries and Galloway Council in response to the Supreme Court case ruling:

"This is a complex case, which has been considered by Employment Tribunal, Employment Appeal Tribunal, Court of Session, and now the Supreme Court.

"The Employment Appeal Tribunal and Court of Session both ruled in our Council’s favour. The Supreme Court judgment is the most recent stage of the legal process.

"The appellants, including classroom assistants and nursery nurses, now have won the right to have their jobs compared to those of male manual workers, such as road workers and groundsmen.

"This judgment has implications for many local authorities and other public bodies. Our Council will now consider its position in response to the Supreme Court judgment."

– Dumfries and Galloway Council Spokesperson

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