Grizzly encounter for Cumbria student

A University of Cumbria student's camera was almost eaten by a grizzly bear, while he was on a research trip in Canada.

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Grizzly bear tries to eat camera

This University of Cumbria student had a grizzly encounter when a female grizzly bear made a beeline for his camera.

Luckily John Kitchen, who's doing a PHD in Wildlife Conservation, had positioned the camera on a bridge away from where he was standing.

The camera didn't break and this amazing footage shows a grizzly bear up close and personal - it's filmed in British Columbia, in Canada.

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Grizzly bear 'selfie'

A University of Cumbria student had a grizzly encounter when a bear tried to eat his camera.

John Kitchin, who's doing a PHD in Wildlife Conservation, was on a research project in Canada. He'd put cameras on a bridge across a salmon-bearing river at Glendale Cove, and this young female grizzly bear made a beeline for one of them.

Grizzly bear takes over the camera Credit: John Kitchin


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