Whitehaven Harbour home to mainland Europe's biggest SeaBins site

SeaBins Whitehaven
SeaBin in Whitehaven Harbour Credit: Whitehaven Harbour Youth Project

A youth-led eco project is set to see Whitehaven's harbour become mainland Europe’s largest SeaBin site.

Whitehaven Harbour Youth Project has already secured the installation of six of the ocean-cleaning SeaBins and on Tuesday 18 July they're installing a seventh.

Developed in Australia, the SeaBins collect floating rubbish, debris and oil by filtering surface water. They run 24 hours a day and each bin can capture around 20kg before it needs emptying.

They're also capable of collecting both micro and macro plastics and can be equipped with a specialist absorbent pad to absorb petroleum-based surface oils and detergents.

Stephen Walter, at Whitehaven Harbour Youth Project, said: “The installation of these powerful units was driven by the youngsters in Whitehaven, who were wanting to do more for the environment in their hometown.

“The harbour and marina are a huge part of life in Whitehaven, so it was a natural choice to start a project there. With such a huge focus on plastics and the health of our ocean, the SeaBin project is also a great opportunity for local schools to learn more about pollution and the things that can be done to help.

“It gives children a first-hand experience of just some of the ways in which plastics and litter are harming their environment, and to have a first-hand view of the environment and what can be done to help. It also helps children consolidate their existing knowledge and build a better connection with the area that they live in.”

Stuart Dunnett Project Director at Whitehaven Harbour Youth Project added: "This project has been expanded from one Seabin in late 2019 funded by the Co-op to an additional six funded by Sellafield SiX – social impact multiplied, which has been amazing to be part of and to witness the effect more SeaBins have on the marina environment and build awareness locally."