Milestone reached in Kendal flood defences but still a long road ahead

From GVs
Landscaping will take place in the Autumn to provide a diverse habitat of shrubs and plants. Credit: ITV News Border

Flood defences at Waterside Flats in Kendal have been completed as part of the town's multi million pound flood risk management scheme.

When complete the scheme will improve flood protection to over 1400 homes and 1100 businesses. It is part of the Environment Agency's work to adapt to the changing climate leading to heavier and more intense rainfall and increased flood risk.

The new flood defences are clad in natural, locally sourced stone.

Defences at the flats includes a new ramped access from the riverside to the residential properties as well as an improved riverside path.

The walls are phase one of the scheme and aren't due to be finished until the end of 2023. Elsewhere in the town works are underway to protect properties at Sand Aire House, Lambrigg Terrace and Melrose Place. Phases 2 and 3 could take until the end of 2027.

Residents are being warned to expect works to continue until the end of 2027.

Environment Agency Area Flood Risk Manager, Stewart Mounsey said: "The completion of the flood defences at Waterside Flats is a further milestone towards protecting more homes and businesses from flooding. We would like to thank residents for their patience and understanding while this work was carried out.

"The Kendal flood scheme is complex, and we have our dedicated Information Hub open every Tuesday and Thursday between 10am and 4.30pm where the Environment Agency and contractors are on hand to answer any questions about the scheme."