Further easing of visiting restrictions at hospital wards in the Borders
Visitors to the Borders General Hospital in Melrose can enjoy an easing of restrictions from Monday 4 July.
The appointment booking system put in place to control numbers during the pandemic will be removed and open visiting will be re-introduced across the majority of wards.
Reintroduced visitor timetable:
All mental health inpatient areas will have open visiting with no time restriction
All acute hospital inpatient areas will have open visiting between 2-7pm
All community hospitals will have open visiting between 2-7pm
Women and children's services (ward 15, ward 16, labour and Special Care Baby Unit) will be adopting a person-centred approach led by the patient and family
In line with national guidance, every patient can have two visitors at any one time. These visitors can be interchangeable meaning that a patient can choose to change who their visitors are if they wish.
The two visitors may also be able to visit their loved one together (regardless of if they are from the same household) depending on the ward area and other contributing factors.
Some areas may be able to accommodate multiple visits per day with up to two visitors each time.
Director of Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professionals, Sarah Horan, said: "The importance of support from family members and loved ones to people in hospital cannot be overstated - it can have a positive impact on the nutrition, healing, recovery and overall quality of care of our patients. In addition to this, visiting brings comfort to both the person in hospital and their family, friends or careers.
Anyone visiting is being asked to follow the guidance and not go to facilities if you have the following symptoms:
Continuous cough
High temperature, fever or chills
Loss of, or change in, your normal sense of taste or smell
Unexplained tiredness or lack of energy
Muscle aches or pains that are not due to exercise
Headache that's unusual or longer lasting than usual
Sore throat, stuffy or runny nose
Feeling sick or being sick
New rash or skin condition
Do not visit our facilities if you have had symptoms of diarrhoea or vomiting in the previous 48 hours
Wear a face mask, if you are able to, at all times.
Ensure that you have had all of your Covid-19 vaccinations
Make use of the Lateral Flow Device (LFD) Covid-19 testing offer which is available to anyone in Scotland who is attending a hospital or care home
Follow any instructions given to you by signage or members of staff