Cumbrian school wins national recognition award for environmental excellence

A north Cumbrian Secondary School has won national recognition for environmental excellence.

Staff and pupils at William Howard School in Brampton have been given the 'Green Flag Award' for putting sustainability at the heart of everything they do.

This includes their classroom recycling - to the on site open places garden they have.

One of the pupils at the school said: "We use recycled paper, we have recycling bins  all over the school and once every month we have somebody come to open spaces to come and talk to us about our environment and how to keep it healthy."

  • Pupils at William Howard.

What is the 'Green Flag Award'?

The 'Green Flag Award' is international accreditation by Eco-Schools that recognises and rewards young people’s environmental actions for over 25 years.

According to the educational programme, they say: "Applying for an Eco-Schools Green Flag is the perfect way to acknowledge, reward and celebrate the ecological achievements of young people.

"It clearly demonstrates that their hard work is appreciated and it provides them with the confidence and motivation to continue actively engaging with environmental issues now and throughout their lifetimes.

"It creates the next generation of innovative, inspirational environmentalists and tells local communities that a school, college or nursery is forward-thinking and actively engaged in protecting our planet."