Operation to reattach Cumbrian footballer's skull successful

Danny Hodgson is recovering from the operation.

A Cumbrian footballer who is recovering after being attacked in Australia has undergone a successful operation to reattach his skull.

Danny Hodgson - a former Carlisle United youth player who now plays for Edith Cowan University football team in Joondalup, Western Australia - was hospitalised following a night out in Perth last year.

He received an operation which detached his skull from the rest of his body as part of his emergency treatment.

Danny, 26, is now making a recovery and underwent the procedure to reattach his skull at the Sir Charles Gardiner Hospital in Perth.

His family said: "Our son Danny Hodgson underwent surgery to re-attach his skull on Tuesday January 18, 2022.

"The surgery has gone well, and we are grateful for the amazing team at Sir Charles Gardiner Hospital where the surgery was performed.

"In particular, the nurses at the Sir Charles Gardiner High Dependency Unit have beenincredible. Danny is sore but remains positive."

They added that they are hopeful he will soon be able to return to Fiona Stanley Hospital - where he had been based before the operation - to continue his rehabilitation.His family added: "We have been overwhelmed with the messages of support our family has received this week. Knowing that everyone is behind Danny’s recovery keeps us all strong and focused on the future."

Danny Hodgson with his family, last month.

Danny - who was nicknamed "ironman" by the doctors who treated him in intensive care -received support from across the world of football following his injury.

Fundraising efforts were launched with generated the cash needed for his parents - Nicola and Peter Hodgson, of Cleator Moor - to visit him in Australia. Nicola and Peter were allowed to visit their son in hospital for compassionate reasons under Australia's Covid-19 protocols.

More fundraising is being carried out to support Danny's partner and family while they attend to him.

To mark his 26th birthday, Manchester United's Cristiano Ronaldo sent Danny his best wishes.

A 17-year-old was charged with grievous bodily harm and entered a guilty plea at Perth Children's Court. The teenager, who cannot be named for legal reasons, will return to court this year, with a sentencing hearing expected in February.