Cumbrians asked for views on improving green transport routes

Credit: PA

People are being given a chance to have their say on future plans to develop cycle and walking networks in Cumbria. 

The council is running a consultation ahead of applying for possible future funding in Carlisle, Kendal and Barrow. People living in Cumbria are being asked for their thoughts on where improvements need to be made. 

Richard Ingham, Cumbria's bicycle mayor says he's happy plans are afoot to transform the network he says the mindset has to change as well. As his role is an elected but voluntary one which is part of a global network to promote cycling.

He told ITV, "Something like 25% of journeys are two miles of less and often with one or two occupants and are our worlds and cities cannot carry on like this and it is down to individuals to be more considerate"

The project to upgrade paths and cycle routes is part of a long running project looking at areas including the planned billion pound upgrade of the A66 but also particularly Carlisle, Kendal and Barrow

Keith Little, Highways and Transport councillor for Cumbria said, "I know the weather isn't always suitable but where we are already doing school streets across the county. Fitter children fitter parents, and that's where we want to go in Cumbria."