Royal visit to the great outdoors of the Scottish Borders

Rain didn't stop Prince Edward from planting a tree at the Broomlee Centre in West Linton.

His walnut tree is one of many that are being planted nationwide for the Queen's Green Canopy initiative to mark Her Majesty's platinum jubilee in 2022.

A further 250 trees will also be planted by young children from schools all across Scotland, those trees will benefit future generations as well as help stop the land from flooding.

The Earl of Wessex, also known as the Earl of Forfar when in Scotland, had been invited to the centre to see the activities run.

The centre celebrated its 80th anniversary last year, giving young people the opportunity to have fun while learning about the environment, and building confidence.

"I expected team building but I didn't expect to come away with such self confidence," said David, from Aberdeen.

 "We learned so much, my favourite part was the blindfold activity, it gave me a new understanding of other people,' added Ben, also from Aberdeen. 

Dave Spence, CEO, Scottish Outdoor Centre, believes that being outdoors is therapeutic for young minds. "Every child benefits from these experiences, with support they will go further than they think, it changes their self belief and self perception."

Broomlee centre is part of Scottish Outdoor Education Centres, a charity that supports young people across Scotland, they've been doing it for 80 years and plan to continue for at least 80 more.

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