Residents asked how to improve Hammond's Pond in Carlisle

Carlisle residents are being asked to have their say on proposed improvements at Hammond's Pond.

Approximately £450,000 has been provided to upgrade the park in four main areas:

  • Footpath improvements

  • Landscaping and drainage improvement

  • recreational facilities improvements

  • CCTV and security improvements

A major programme of work, costing approximately £120,000, has already been undertaken to completely overhaul the children's play facilities within the park, making them accessible, exciting and fit for purpose for many years to come. Other work, including the installation of additional CCTV, replacement of end-of-life footbridges and resurfacing footpaths, is currently in the procurement phase.

Carlisle City Council, with the support of the Friends of Hammond's Pond and Hammond's Pond Café, is now consulting with local residents to get their views on other aspects of work to be undertaken, these include the replacement of an end-of-life ball games area; upgrades to the BMX track; and options for additional car parking, new pedestrian access routes and vehicle access control measures.

Residents are asked to respond to the consultation before Friday 1 October 2021.

Following the feedback from the consultation, a specification reflecting the preferences will be drawn up.