Peebles High School puts plans for a brand new building out for consultation
It's been nearly a year since Peebles High School was burnt in an arson attack, and the decision not to rebuild parts of the school but build a brand new one has concerned some parents. Students at Peebles high school have been working out of portacabins since the blaze.
To allay those worries, the council held a consultation at the town hall, which will continue online, showing plans for the new school and offering a forum for suggestions.
The new school is due to be finished in 2024, but the council has promised that it won't disrupt learning.
Councillor Carol Hamilton, Executive Member for Children and Young People said: “The events of the Peebles High School fire have caused immeasurable disruption to the young learners and teaching staff in the area.
“The replacement Campus will offer a completely new, state-of-the-art, community facility which will give our young learners access to high-quality learning and offer wide-ranging benefits to the wider public.
“This new facility has the potential to become a focal point for the town of Peebles, and this consultation offers the opportunity for all members of the local community to give their feedback on plans for the new school.
“I would encourage everyone in the Peebles area to take the time to explore the dedicated consultation website and share their views with us.”