Cumbrian photographer captures life during the pandemic

Press photographer Stuart Walker. Credit: ITV News

In just 100 days, our whole way of life has changed.

In fact, we have had to adapt so quickly, it can be easy to forget what a historic time we are living through.

One Cumbrian press photographer, has decided to preserve these memories for future generations, by taking pictures of how our region has responded.

The funeral of a 102-year-old who died after contracting coronavirus. Strangers clapped as the hearse passed. Credit: Stuart Walker
Businesses and industry changed their production lines to make PPE Credit: Stuart Walker
He spent time photographing staff at the Cumberland Infirmary and West Cumberland Hospital in full PPE. Credit: Stuart Walker
He also wanted to capture things that made people smile. For example, the Penrith postman who dressed up as a postbox. Credit: Stuart Walker
Clap for Carers was a regular sight on a Thursday. Credit: Stuart Walker
Hospital staff take part in the weekly clap for carers. Credit: Stuart Walker
Community groups put together food parcels for vulnerable people, and people in need. Credit: Stuart Walker
Coronavirus testing centre in Cumbria. Credit: Stuart Walker
Funeral of 102-year-old who's family couldn't attend her funeral. Credit: Stuart Walker
Staff at the Cumbria's hospitals working in full PPE. Credit: Stuart Walker

  • In his own words and with his own photographs, here's how Stuart Walker been has been documenting life through a lens.