3000-year-old gold ring found in Cumbria

  • Video report by Lauren Ostridge.

A small Bronze Age ring, found in Cumbria, has gone on display at a museum in Carlisle.

The penannular ring, which is mostly made of gold, dates back around 3,000 years and will be showcased in the city's Tullie House.

It's the first of its kind to be found in the county and the second to bediscovered in the north west of England.

Gabrielle Heffernan, Curatorial Manager said “It’s wonderful to be able to acquire a local find such as this and have it on display in our award-winning prehistory gallery.

"Carlisle has such a rich history going back thousands of years, and this ring is just one example of the fascinating cultures of thepeople who lived here.”

Historians are unsure on the function of the ring, but some think it could have been worn in hair, the nose or ears.