Cumbria Police embarks on two week gun surrender
Police are giving the public a chance to anonymously hand in any unlawful and unwanted firearms and ammunition in a county wide surrender.
Cumbria Constabulary is teaming up with other police forces in the UK in a bid to stop weapons from getting into the wrong hands.
Members of the public can also surrender items that have the potential to be dangerous such as antique guns, blank firing replicas and toys.
Illegal possession of a firearm could mean 5 years imprisonment and if found guilty with intent to supply could lead to a life sentence.
The National Ballistics Intelligence Service (NABIS) are coordinating the surrender and offer forensic, tactical and strategic intelligence to tackle all aspects of firearms related crime.
There are a number of stations across the county where you can hand in the weapons:
Carlisle (Durranhill)
Penrith (Hunter Lane)
The surrender will take place between the 20 July and 4 August 2019.