Cumbria set for ‘huge’ boost once flights launch from Carlisle Airport

Flights are expected to launch in the summer of 2018 Credit: ITV Border

Carlisle Airport will have a "huge impact" on Cumbria's economy once passenger flights launch in the summer of 2018, according to a group of local private and public sector leaders.

A delegation from the county's Local Enterprise Partnership visited the airport this morning to discuss the impact it could have on local business.

They discussed plans including how scheduling and transport links will work.

There has been a lot of scepticism over whether or not commercial flights will actually run from Carlisle, but the group running the airport insist they will begin next summer.

The Chair of Cumbria Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) Visitor Economy Advisory Group said:

The LEP provides a lead for all activities contributing to the growth of the County’s economy, and has committed £4.75 million of Growth Deal funding towards the project.

Passengers will be able to fly to London, Belfast and Dublin, with onward flights to some USA cities, from Carlisle Lake District Airport.

The Head of Corporate Projects at Stobart Group commented: