Lighting up Catbells for Nepal

The photos taken by professional photographers will be sold for CAN. Credit: Tom McNally Photography

Catbells was lit up last night with the head torches of around 500 people as they scaled the fell's paths at night.

The display was organised by Lakeland Mountain Guides, a company based in the North Lakes and run by Matt Le Voi and John Brookes, who have both worked in Nepal.

When they saw the effects of the earthquakes in the mountains of Nepal almost exactly a year ago, they wanted to do something to help.

The silent display was held in memory of the 9,000 people who lost their lives and 20,000 who were injured in April 2015.

Proceeds from the sale of the photographs taken will be donated to Community Action Nepal (CAN).

It's been a year since earthquakes hit the mountains in Nepal. Credit: Photos by Carmen