What do the Scottish Environment Protection Agency do?
The Scottish Environment Protection Agency staff have been regular faces across the region during the winter storms.
SEPA protects and maintains a safe, healthy and sustainable environment, ensures that business and industry complies with regulations, and warns and informs the public of environmental incidents.
SEPA works with partners,including each of the 32 local authorities, emergency services, utilities companies and Police Scotland. Following the floods, this has included facilitating the Council in undertaking urgent temporary repairs to sections of road and river banking which had collapsed.
After the recent flooding, some commentators have suggested dredging rivers would be a suitable means of preventing flooding. SEPA doesn't have a remit to undertake work in watercourses, so they don't dredge any rivers - that is the responsibility of the council.
Responsibilities for flood risk managementSEPA has three main responsibilities:
• National strategic role in flood risk management, including the production of Scotland’s first ever Flood Risk Management Strategies• Flood forecasting and warning• Advice and guidance to planning authorities.
The Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Act 2009 was introduced, giving SEPA certain responsibilities, as well as other organisations.
SEPA, the local authorities and Scottish Water have worked together to develop flood risk management plans across 14 local districts covering the whole of Scotland.
The aim of the Flood Risk Management is to ensure investment and actions are spent where the greatest risks are and where the largest benefits can be achieved.
For more information on SEPA, visit their website.