Bright future ahead for storm-battered badger who was rescued by the RSPCA in Suffolk
A badger that was rescued by the RSPCA after being found cold, wet and barely conscious in terrible weather has been released back into the wild.
Concerned locals spotted 'Stormzy' the badger collapsed on a footpath in Bures in Suffolk and called the RSPCA for help.
He's since made a miraculous recovery and has been released back into his home territory.
Stormzy was rushed to the Wildlives Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre in Thorrington, near Colchester, after being found.
They immediately put him into a warm-up tank and treated him with fluids and a bottle of milk.
RSPCA staff say he was soon feeding properly, and within a couple of hours he was 'bright as a button'.
After a few days Stormzy had improved enough to be released back into the wild.
The Suffolk Badger Group were able to identify which sett the animal had originated from so he could be released right back into his home territory.
The RSPCA advises that if a member of the public spots a badger in trouble, they should not try to handle the animal, but should contact the RSPCA helpline on 0300 1234 999.
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