Oh, oobee doo, look who's moved to Colchester Zoo

Colchester Zoo have announced two new arrivals - a pair of rare orangutans.

The mother and daughter - called Mali and Tatau - have been transferred to the Essex zoo from Paignton Zoo in Devon.

They actually arrived back in February, but the pandemic enforced closure has meant that zoo staff had to keep the news under wraps.

During the last three months the duo have been settling into their new surroundings of the Rajang Forest enclosure.

Tatau explores her new surroundings Credit: Colchester Zoo

Staff say Mali and Tatau have also been introduced to male Orangutan, Tiga.

Bornean orangutans can live for more than 50 years but are listed as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List, which is mainly due to the destruction of the orangutans’ habitat.

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